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Marine Corps : Basic Recon School 2010

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Marine Corps : Basic Recon School 2010 Empty Marine Corps : Basic Recon School 2010

Mensaje  Admin Mar Mayo 04, 2010 2:48 am

Marine Corps Historical Assn: Basic Recon School 2010

Marine Corps Historical Association sent in annoucnement of Basic Recon School 2010:

June is fast approaching and the Marine Corps Historical Assn is ramping up to offer another Basic Recon School. Those interested should contact info@mycorps.us

The program offered at Camp Basilone is an “Historical Adventure” experience. A 1960\'s immersion encampment created to give civilians the chance to experience what it was like for US Marines receiving their last training prior to being sent to Vietnam. The Camp is constructed and coordinated by military historians and veterans. At Camp Basilone, participants experience something similar to what some of the more fortunate Marines encountered during their training.

Here is a You Tube from 2009: WARNING HARSH LANGUAGE


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